This space is not dead. Not yet anyway.
I had been looking forward to 2011. The year was to begin with me unemployed and devoid of a plan. The funny thing about being unemployed is that you suddenly find a lot on your plate that interests you, and none of it is something you HAVE to do!
All the things you had been planning and all the others that come up in time, which you wouldn't have been able to do were you bound to an office for more that 10 hours a day. Also whatever it is you do, seems to be infused with a new manner of intensity. Sort of like living with a vengeance. Cleansing 18 months of existential stagnation in 6 short weeks.
All the things you had been planning and all the others that come up in time, which you wouldn't have been able to do were you bound to an office for more that 10 hours a day. Also whatever it is you do, seems to be infused with a new manner of intensity. Sort of like living with a vengeance. Cleansing 18 months of existential stagnation in 6 short weeks.
Can be one hell of a ride! With the right research of course, a sprinkling of luck and always a little help from your friends.
Now I'm on the otherside but the ride ain't over yet. In fact I reckon its just about warming up. This year shall now see me experience the life of a Junior Advocate at the Supreme Court of India, amongst other things. I shift to New Delhi in a week's time. Have to find a home, start work, buy a goddamn gown again (we wear a slightly different one at the Calcutta High Court) and get used to a brand new city.
To much to do yet. Too much to think of and take care of. So I ended up watching movies till late in the night. Shanghai. Found a couple of pearls therein. Firstly, "the heart is never neutral". One of the many thoughts meandering through John Cusack's head as he tries to unravel the mystery behind his friend's death and decipher the truth sugar coated in Mistress Lan Ting's cunning beauty. The film, besides being watchworthy, casts our Hottie of the Month as Ms. Anna Lan Ting (No I haven't seen Memoirs of a Geisha).
Gong Li (Picture from here)
good to see you back bhai.
is there an application process for hottie of the month?
see you soon in your new home soon i think. keep the south updated.
good luck arch. You have seen the rot that is Shanghai. Nothing can stop you now!
@pp : if there were an applicaion process, would you apply?
@rahul : trust me its not so bad in the middle of a night, when you're supposed to be really busy. heh.
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