Friday, October 23, 2009


At my workplace people seem smile too damn much. Especially myself being the youngest by far, I get smiled upon and spoken to like one would to a child. Its like they all have some bloody secret they’re sitting on that they know I don’t know. Feel like socking them in the face. Whatever the consequences they definitely wouldn’t smile no more.

I have a paralegal assisting me with my work. She’s a goddamn moron. To top that she’s pregnant. Which means her week starts on Thursday. She’s bong. Which means her day starts post noon and ends sharp at 7 pm. All of which combine to mean that I am stuck at work till 11 every night managing my work and hers, not because I’m in love with my profession but because my bloated titted-pregnant-fucking paralegal is, I repeat, a goddamn moron.
And she has the gall to refuse to draft a letter for me at 6:45 pm cause her head hurts and she needs to head home.

What else?

Oh my firm has not a single quarter decent chic to look at. Not one. There are one, two.. wait… 11 specimens of the female kind at work. Not one worth even the slightest distraction from the computer screen. Fuck.

I’m fucked.

Good night.


peter pan said...

i'll ship jennifer connelly to you asap.

see you next week gandu.

Shamli said...

I have a moron paralegal who is too scared to go to my boss, comes to me to clarify his work and then questios my competence EVERY SINGLE TIME by saying, "Really? Are you sure Ma'am?" So basically, everyday I want to stab him repeatedly with a pencil, or gun him down.

Except, I have since discovered he used to be with the CISF. Which means he has actually been trained to gun people down.

(And let's not get started about the men at work and the way they look).

You think it's got something to do with IP? Sigh

Meenakshi said...

but he calls you ma'am, come on, that's sweet :) no? (im in bombay, you cant hit me)

rorschach said...

@TJE: arre tu hi meri jennifer connelly. come fast man.

@ shamli: it must be. only IP has this bloody paralegal concept. frankly i think we should round up all the paralegals and fucking shoot them point blank. then maybe more lawyers would find work even in times of recession.

btw B. tells me the trademarks dept. at anand is full of hotties. aah, if only you were a man, or I was in anand ..atleast one of us would've been having a good time :P

ps: feel free to give them my contact in case they need someone in calcutta. you know like to show them around town etc.