Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today's been a long and flummoxing day. And I'm still not done. Fuck.

The day started with me finding my phone lying broken under my bed (must've fallen out while I was asleep...that explains why the alarm didn't go off) and it continued with the Breaking News of the terror attacks in Bombay. I know too many people in Bombay. Friends all. I'm too tired to go over the things that have been going on in my mind all day long. I'm just glad everyone I could get through to is fine, and hope that the rest are the same.

Also I got down on my knees to this 'friend' with whom I have I haven't been on speaking terms with. She too was in Bombay, and at the end of the day no matter how much I've cursed her, I can't bear to see anything happen to her. I just don't know. I'm too tired and brain dead to know anything today.

So goodnight world & stay safe.

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