Monday, June 20, 2011

Revival vide Hotness

When ze words fail, hotness prevails!

What can I say, urge or no urge, I had selfishly and completely forgotten that apart from my mumblings and mutterings and what not, this space was also host to random hotness of the female kind of my species. And although there has been no urge to write (and thats all there is to it, believe it or not!!) there still is the urge to fall for Hotties! Thank God!!

In fact its the latter that has kept me going through the toughest and the most boring times of my life. Hence dear audience forgive me for my selfishness in thinking that my words were all this space was good for. Nossir! It wasn't, as Ms. Priyanka aptly points out in her comment to my last post. There still is the Hottie of the Month! So in abeyance of her wisdom and in a desperate attempt to keep this space alive despite my vocabular stagnation, this space shall breathe to the extent of the Hottie of the Month. At the very least.

So without any further delay and mumbling, here's our Hottie for this month.

Eva Huang Shengyi

Remember the Ice cream girl from Kung-fu Hustle ?? (Greatest Film EVER!!)

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