Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Days of My Life

With the commencement of the present year I found myself curled up in the cornermost room of the senior boys hostel, where the sunlight entering the room can be filtered upto a great extent. I lay there going throught the motions of life neccessary to do for me what is neccesary. ie. I clean myself before each day begins, maybe play some background music while at it. Then as the morning wears on (btw morning starts post 12 noon) people keep coming into the room and out searching sustenance for various addictions. And then the days go by, I just sit around and get real high.

Our recruitment season has begun. Having performed "poorly" throughout law school, it doesn't come as a surprise to me that I have not been shortlisted for any interviews this weekend. While this is not really a bad thing, the terribly good thing is that we have been given over a week and a half off from the mundane classes. Hence everyday since college began, for me, has been a Sunday with late mornings and even later nights, cause well I know that tommorrow too is going to be the same.

Life in college lacks the flux, the energy or rather the mobility that I've have enjoyed for the past couple of months in the cities. Thats cause,
a) Our campus is 28 kms from the nearest city bus stop (Jubillee Bus Stn, Secunderabad).
b) Also we have stringent fuck-demented (there I created a word for them) rules governing our lives.
Stuck in the aforementioned scenario for 5 years with breaks coming only after every 5 months takes its toll on most people. Most definitely on me. And strange as it may sound I look around and I find most of the individuals around me hooked to something or the other for their kicks. Now don't get me wrong I don't mean everyone here is literally always getting high. But rather metaphorically, they are always in a proccess of doing something that would lend some meaning to their time spent in here. Perhaps because really really deep deep down inside they don't really want to be here. However, its an inevitability that one learns to accept after 5 years. So you find characters drowning happily in alcohol, while some others smoke their time up and away (myself included), while others are either mooting (random shit that happens only in law school) or ego tripping or pms-ing or politicking, and they do so continuously as if pursuing this ardent need to do the same. None of the aforementioned occur because the people practising the same really want to do it. It seems to me that people just do things naturally most suited to them and keep at it, for the lack of anything better to do. Or the lack of ANYTHING to do for that matter. We're all addicted to what we do here, and we're soon to become lawyers. Shit.

I still miss the stars, though. I hadn't a glimpse of a clear star scatterred night for last 2 months. Now I do. Almost every single night.


The Reluctant Rebel said...

Isn't it the same everywhere? You keep trying to validate and justify your existence irrespective of your sorroundings. Good luck with the recruitment scene btw,

rorschach said...

im not sure about everywhere, but it seems like it over here. i do hope im wrong though. and thanks, seems like i could use some luck with the recruitments. heh. cheers.