Monday, September 13, 2010

Of Liberation

I have de-activated my facebook account. For the first time ever. The reason was simple and provided by one of those multiple choice questions that facebook keeps asking. It being "I spend too much time on facebook"... and might I add doing nothing at all. In my defence, its all this job's fault. I never really had the facebook bug and hence it made sense to be on it. Presently, I sign in after every other assignment on the pretext of taking a break. Hence, its time to call quits. Lets see how long this lasts. If my Quit Smoking campaigns against the self is anything to go by, it won't last long. But I'm hoping against it.


Niniel said...

There are some new pictures of me looking reall ugly on facebook dying for you to comment on.

rorschach said...

now now don't tempt me bey :)

The Reluctant Rebel said...

Go Archieman. This is true liberation.

rorschach said...

thank you for your support rahulda :)